
5 Keys to a persuasive message by Pilar Ortiz

Have you ever wondered what is the most effective way to convince someone to take an action? 

It's not about manipulations. What we are looking for is for the client to buy from us. Or for our work team to understand and share our ideas. There is a skill in marketing and used by great entrepreneurs that are also within our reach. It is the art of persuasion. 

Persuading our audience, the customers we want to have, or the company's board of directors, allows us to influence their decisions promptly. We want this because we know that what we offer is convenient for them and solves one or more of their problems.

If persuasion is an art, we must practice it and be flexible to adjust the message when necessary. 

What should you keep in mind to persuade effectively

1. Identify your audience: Who are they, and what language do they commonly use? When we want to persuade and convince them, it's a mistake to use general language. People's pains are different, and so is their level of awareness of the problem. 

Some people understand what their needs are, but some do not. That is why we must focus our communication and efforts on a clear segment that we will meet in a specific place and with specific words, the ones they use to describe their pain. 

2. We persuade from sincerity and authority: To persuade, we must position ourselves as the experts we are and, in addition, as honest professionals who offer achievable realities and not just a cloud of false expectations. 

We build this from our corporate identity, our daily work, telling the truths that no one else is willing to tell, and acting coherently. We must be the main witnesses of what we teach and share.  

3. Connect with people's emotions: I call this empathy, and people tend to trust when there are affinities and things in common.

How do we transmit this? Through personal stories, anecdotes, and also by showing that we understand the needs and pains of the audience. It is very important that people feel understood and identified. This will move their hearts more than their objections. 

4. Make a scarcity call: This is a mental trigger that drives people to act immediately because it generates the urgency to do it and the feeling of exclusivity. 

How do we use it? When we communicate to the audience that our offer has a limited time and is a limited opportunity. 

5. Transmit good energy: We must motivate and inspire the audience, and we achieve this by sharing a positive attitude and energy, leading them to see things from a different perspective. 

For example, this is one of the most important and valuable qualities a coach should have. 

Apply these tips, and you will see how effective your message will become, so persuasive for all occasions.

Share this blog with others andyour experience applying these tips. 


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5 Keys to a persuasive message by Pilar Ortiz

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