
Three steps to change your daily habits without excuses by Pilar Ortiz

Most of people make several mistakes when they want to change their routines. That's why, as a mindset coach, I am going to share with you three keys so that you can avoid these mistakes and achieve your goals.

Starting each new stage, whether it's the beginning of the year or even the month, always with the same (or very similar) goals means that you're not being succesfull with the process

"I'm going to improve my diet, I'm going to workout three times at week, I'm going to plan my meals, I'm going to stop smoking", etc. If you are repeating the same sentences over and over again take note of these three keys to breaking the loop:

1. Start small: adjust your expectations and set a goal you can achieve. If the goal is too high and changes your pace of life too drastically, it is likely that you will end up abandoning it.

For example, expecting to workout six days a week when you haven't training for several years is something that you can abandon due to lack of habit

Why not try to workout twice a week? This way is easier to reach in a short term. Step by step you will get closer to your goal.

2. Follow up your process: people work better when they track their goals

Keep a daily log where you can visualize your progress and the more complicated parts of it. This is part of knowing yourself, understanding your strengths, and the things that cost you to transform and achieve what you want.

3. Make it visual: visualization allows you to make the unconscious conscious, contemplate new possibilities, define your goals, and enjoy the feeling of achieving what you want. This is a powerful motivator and, eventually, makes it easier to achieve your goals

As you will see, you can enjoy the process and stop struggling with the pressure of changing behaviors.

No matter how much motivation you have, there are days when you don't feel like doing anything, and skipping the routine is a temptation. While I believe that if you 'fail' one day you should not judge yourself, everyone is looking for a trick to help them not to faint on these occasions when the desire is lacking. For example, you can reward yourself with a dinner that you like and keep that feeling of satisfaction.

Apply these tips, and let me know how you are changing your habits.

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Maximize your results: tips for networking by Pilar Ortiz

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