
How to build a daily motivational routine by Pilar Ortiz

Motivation is the engine that moves you towards your goals and dreams. Without it, it is difficult to move forward, and giving up is a possibility. 

The problem is that motivation is like a bonfire that must be stoked, which can be extinguished by the difficulties and uncertainty that sometimes arise in life. 

How to keep the flame alive? How to continue when discouragement arrives? 

Self-motivation is possible and effective. Today I am going to share with you three keys to create a motivation routine that you can apply on a daily basis. 

Remember why you want to achieve your goals: Sometimes, life can become monotonous because you start doing things mechanically. You think, feel and do things on autopilot... has this happened to you? 

This is one of the causes of discouragement, and its antidote is to connect with the reason you decided to start. What made you decide to open your own business? Why did you want to change your job? Whatever your case is, I am sure there are strong reasons, and you need to remember them.

Don't depend on external factors:  There are some special dates and events that are recognized for representing the beginning of something. 

Many people look forward to these dates to make decisions and plan their future. The problem is that once they happen, the motivation fails

Motivation comes from within and is timeless. You don't need special dates to have the desire to get things done and bring about change. Every day is a new opportunity to start, continue and dream big.  

Focus on the who, not the how: Most people dream big. They imagine their projects coming true, they are full of motivation to get things done until they faced the question: how do I do it? 

For me the how is not a good question to ask. The how has the capacity to discourage, limit and demotivate when you don't have a clear and convincing answer. 

 Instead of asking that question, ask yourself the who: Who is going to achieve it? Who do you have, and can you be today to achieve your goals? This is the right question because it changes your perspective and instead of limiting you, it allows you to see opportunities. 

Now that you have these three keys, apply them daily in your personal growth times. Remember, consistency is the key to success. Share this article with other geniuses and explore similar topics in our blog segment.

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