
¿How to find the motivation to pursue your goals? by Pilar Ortiz

It is a universal question, we all want to fulfill our list of desires, goals, and projects that we made at some point. We keep it well guarded, with the intention of opening it in the time we proposed and put with great satisfaction a big "checked". Isn't it so? 

However, the reality is that most of those resolutions remain only on paper or in our minds. 

We want to start our own business, but we are paralyzed by the idea that we don't have the money yet. We want to apply for the job of our dreams, but we get blocked when we imagine ourselves speaking at the interview. We want many things, but we always lose motivation and perseverance because we are afraid of what we lack. 

Do you identify yourself? Don't feel guilty, this is an opportunity for improvement, and I'm going to show you how to find the motivation to persist in your goals.  

The big problem you may be committing is that you are focusing on the how. You probably think that knowing how to do things is the most important thing and that's why it's the first thing you think of when you set out to do something. 

However, the how tends to limit us, because it focuses on what we lack rather than what we already have. If you ask yourself how to get that new dream job, you might answer: "with the degrees, I don't have yet", "with the experience I haven't got yet", and so on, do you realize? 

The how always leads us to see what we do not have and believe we need to do things and this demotivates us in the process, to the point of forcing us to give up. 

Now, what if I ask you why? Think for a moment about why you want to get that new job or start your own business... Do you feel full of vitality and purpose? 

Then why is it like an engine that drives us to do things, it gives value to the efforts and sacrifices we make to reach the goal? This does not mean that the how is not important, the point is that it does not depend on us and it happens as we act. 

A wise and timely reason to continue or to give up is not the "how" we are going to achieve it, it is the "why", the reason why we want it and why we do it. Is it for your family? Is it for your health and mental stability? Is it to have free time to share with others? 

The "why" is an engine, propellant, and the best reason to keep going. If at some point you feel that your why really isn't worth it, you can make decisions or change your reasons, but never let it be the how that sets you back. 

I believe in your genius and I believe that you have all the capabilities to achieve your purpose, even if you feel you don't have it all. The universe is abundant and there is always something for everyone, the secret is to persist and stay motivated for the right reasons. 

If you liked this article, I invite you to share it with others. Remember that there are always options for you.

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