
How to have an attractive message by Pilar Ortiz

The purpose of transmitting an attractive message is to persuade, make people understand, or call them to a specific action. Just to clarify, this audience could be one or many people. 

The problem is that not everyone has the innate ability to convince or persuade through what they express. Why? Because they confuse their audience with a message that lacks structure. 

That is why I have decided to give you practical tips to make your message more attractive and effective. 

The first and most important thing is to identify the goals you want to achieve with your message. To recognize it, you can ask yourself the following questions:

What do I want my audience to do after listening to me? 

What emotion do I want to make them feel

How do I want them to receive what I say? 

Once you have defined this, you can begin to shape your message in a way that meets that main objective. 

The second thing I recommend is to organize your ideas. Sometimes we fail by trying to say everything without giving an order or hierarchy to the information. Take the time to think about the structure of your message so that it makes sense and everything can be coherently spun. 

Remember that in effective communication, less is more. Sometimes we want to say everything because we think it's important, but is it? Ask yourself if what you are about to say contributes to the objective you set at the beginning or if it is just irrelevant information. 

I say this because it is a common mistake to talk more than necessary, not only because it lengthens your speech, but also because it can confuse people. 

Being concrete, punctual and clear is more effective and generates greater recall.

And, of course, avoid beating around the bush. I mean start talking about one topic and end up on another that has nothing to do with it. 

Finally, I advise you to connect with your audience and generate empathy to have an attractive message. How? I will talk about this in a future article. 

If you consider this information relevant, share it with others and get ready to receive more content that will change the way you communicate.

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3 steps to increase your credibility by Pilar Ortiz

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